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Cockroaches in Colorado

A Comprehensive Guide to Species, Risks, and Effective Management Strategies

Cockroaches can be quite nuisance for homeowners. These insects thrive well in filthy and unsanitary homes. However, they can still find their way and survive in your clean and well-kept house. Having them roaming around your property is not only unsightly but also roaches are known to carry disease- causing organisms. It therefore makes sense to deal with them as soon as possible before things get out of hand. This article gives information regarding cockroaches in Colorado including different species, risks of having them around, and proper management and preventive strategies that you can implement.

Understanding Cockroaches

A cockroach is an insect belonging to the order Blattodea and is characterized by its long antennae, flat oval-shaped body, and a pair of wings. Although this insect got wings, it is good to note that not all species can fly. It is one of the most adaptable and resilient insects, factors that enable it to thrive in different environments from temperate climates to tropical regions.

There are 4,600 species in the world but only 30 reside in human habitats. These that invade human environments make these insects to be regarded as pests. While in the house, they feed on organic matter such as food scraps. Although they can be quite unsightly and nuisance, they play a crucial role as scavengers, helping to decompose organic matter.

Why Cockroaches Love the Climate and Environment in Colorado!

While not as pervasive as in other regions, cockroaches can still be found in various areas across this state. This region is characterized by a dry climate and despite this; these insects still thrive because they are quite adaptable and can survive in a wide array of conditions. They might not do very well in the outdoors but home environments like kitchens, basements, and bathrooms, due to their ample moisture, create hospitable conditions for survival and reproduction.

However, the prevalence of these pests in the state depends on the time of the year. As we know, seasons come and go, bringing several changes, which also affects their existence. As aforementioned, roaches love dry climates. This means that they do not do so well during the colder months of the year. In fact, they can even disappear if they were in small populations. While some may not survive these tough times, others go into hibernation mode or dormancy until better weather arrives.

On the other hand, the hotter times create perfect conditions for them to thrive. The higher temperatures makes them more active, a situation that revives their breeding. This results to higher infestation rates.

It can therefore be said that warmer times like summer lead to an increase in the number of cockroaches in the state. This is true because during this time, the weather is not only favorable but there is plenty of food. The many parties and occasions that you will throw at home make this possible. Summer is a time for entertaining and having a good time, especially during the weekends. This in turn, means plenty of food for these pests. Combining this with an increase in the rate of reproduction, they can be a great menace in the summer.

Common Cockroach Species in Colorado

Out of the 4,600 species, only five can be found in this state. This part of the article looks at exactly that.


This species boasts as the largest in Colorado. It can grow up to 2 inches long and can be recognized from its mahogany color and a yellow margin around its head. It is one of the most common species at home but can also be found in other areas such as heat tunnels, boiler rooms, and industrial buildings.


Unlike the American, this one is quite small and only grows up to a half inch. It can be recognized from its light-brown color and brown bars between the head and front wings. You can find this one in storage spaces, especially for food. It also loves dwelling in warm and moist areas like sinks and furnaces.


When it comes to size, this species is in the middle of the American and the German. However, it is a bit darker and has wings that do not reach the abdomen’s end. It possesses a stronger odor, which makes it seen as the most repulsive. It can be commonly found in damp areas such as basements and sewer drains.


As the name probably suggest, this species prefers the outdoors and is quite common in woody areas such as dead trees and woodpiles. Due to its love for light, it may be seen lingering around the house at night when the lights are on. It can be recognized from its white band that runs around the head and shield.


This one is quite similar to the German in terms of size and the way it looks. However, you can set it
apart because it does not have brown bars on the shield. Instead, it possesses two light bands across the wings and abdomen. It thrives in warmer and darker environments and can be spotted in furniture, ceilings, and appliances.

Signs you are dealing with an Infestation

Now that you are familiar with the different species, it is now time to have a look at different things to watch out for to help you know that you are dealing with an infestation. After seeing only one cockroach, many homeowners may assume that it is the only one existing and they do not have to worry. However, this is usually not the case. The presence of just one of them in sight could potentially mean that there are others hiding elsewhere. Roaches are social insects and they reside in large numbers. If you also happen to notice tiny black spots or a strong and musty odor around corners or baseboards, you may potentially be dealing with an infestation.

Potential Risks of Having Cockroaches at Home

These insects not only look bad to the eye but they can be quite a risk to have them lingering in your house. For instance, they can cause the spread of ill-causing germs and bacteria, posing a health risk to you and your loved ones. The reason behind this is that they travel through very filthy areas such as trash, decaying matter, sewage, among many other things before reaching your house. When they encounter your food, you may end up ingesting very harmful bacteria. They have been linked to several illnesses such as salmonellosis, giardia, and listeriotic conditions. Exposure to these nasty scavengers has also been known to cause allergic reactions. Therefore, individuals with allergies or asthma have to be quite careful not to be exposed to them.

DIY Management Strategies

If you are dealing with a small population, you may decide to try dealing with them by yourself. You can invest in some home remedies and repellents such as boric acid, neem oil, vinegar, citrus, diatomaceous earth, and baking soda. Simply place these where you mostly see the insects lingering and they should be gone in a couple of days. If you still notice their presence, consider investing in an insect killer. You can purchase one from the store. When you get it, just spray directly on the roaches or pour the powder around the areas they reside. Insect killers work great and you should not see any of them in a couple of days, especially if they were in small numbers.

Reasons to Hire Experts

Dealing with cockroaches, especially in large numbers, can be quite tasking because they are sneaky and can hide in the smallest nooks and crevices. They can hide in the hundreds without your knowledge. This is why you may want to hire the services of professionals to help you out with this job. Experts have the right tools and skills to deal with these pests completely. They implement science-based techniques to find, identify, and deal with them. Courtesy of their effective products, they can help ensure that no cockroach is left behind. They will also provide you with advice on preventive actions to take so that they do not come back to your house again.

Preventive Measures You Can Take

As you have seen, the presence of cockroaches in your home can be quite risky. In addition, they are not quite good to look at and at most times their presence is linked to a dirty home. Dealing with them is also time consuming and expensive, especially if you have to get professional help. In short, you definitely do not want to have these insects in your property. Luckily, you can take a couple of actions to prevent a future infestation.

Cockroaches come to your house in search of basic needs – food, water, and shelter. Unfortunately, a house that is being lived in has these in plenty. However, if you want to deal with these pests, you have to deprive them of their needs. This can be done by cleaning frequently, especially the kitchen. This area may have food that has spilled on the floors or countertops that could attract some roaches. To prevent this from happening, be sure to wipe food spills as soon as they happen. Also, store leftovers properly in containers with tight lids. The trash can be a great attraction so secure it using bins that have covers, which fit perfectly. You should also not let the trash accumulate for many days before taking it out. Another prevention technique is to seal visible cracks and openings that can be used by these insects to get into your home.

Cockroaches are probably the worst guests you can have at your house in Colorado. They not only look disgusting but they are linked with a dirty environment. Since you do not want your home to be seen as dirty and full of debris by the real and good guests, it makes sense to get rid of these pests as soon as you spot one before they go ahead and become a huge problem

This article has provided you with information on everything you need to know about their presence in the state. You are now well equipped with knowledge on exactly how to deal with them. The best method is to call in professionals that have experience handling such pests. Working with experts will help you enjoy a cockroach-free home for many months to come.

If you think cockroaches are causing you problems in  Colorado Springs, CO or anywhere in Teller County or El Paso County, please do not hesitate to contact us today!  We will help resolve your problem quickly, safely, and at affordable rates.