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Month: December 2024

Why Carpenter Ants Love Colorado Springs: Prevention Tips

At the foot of America’s Mountain, where urban sophistication meets rugged wilderness, a tiny invader has been making waves in the local real estate scene – not as a buyer, but as an unwanted tenant. Carpenter ants have developed a particular fondness for Colorado Springs properties, and their story intertwines fascinating aspects of our city’s unique ecosystem with the challenges of modern homeownership. When Mountains Meet Metropolis The Garden of…

Colorado’s Most Destructive Fall Pests, Protect Your Home

When Colorado’s temperatures start doing their autumn dance, pests start looking at your home like it’s a five-star resort with free winter accommodations. Let’s unmask these unwanted guests and stop them before they turn your home into their personal winter retreat – because nobody wants to share their cozy mountain home with uninvited creepy-crawlies. The Usual Suspects The Miller Moth Invasion Just when you thought miller moths were done with…